Confetti scattered all over the pitch where the backdrop was positioned. Fans and family members cheered and screamed their heads off while the media snapping photos away non-stop at a corner. Standing in the middle of all these focuses, there were these 5 boys who emerged from a strong hundred over amateur futbol players, to represent Singapore at the Nike ‘The Chance’ Regional Final at Jakarta, Indonesia, from 10-13 June 2012. Whichafter, if they managed to impress an international panel of selectors, they would be flying to Barcelona, Spain, for the Global Finals!
The 5 boys are Muhammad Afiq Mat Noor (19yrs old), Muhammad Al Nazirul Islam bin Abdul Razak (20yrs old), Muhammad Faris bin Ramli (19yrs old), Randy Pay Zhan Hao (21yrs old) and Sim Li Ming (23yrs old).
According to official press release, Coach Sundramoorthy had a hard time choosing 5 out of 23 but the choices (selection) made were definitely the right ones. He believed those 5 boys would be able to make an impression at the Regional Finals.
Coach Aide Iskandar also mentioned Nike ‘The Chance’ was all about giving young futbol players the opportunity to take the next step forward. This year, they found not just a few but a whole group of players who had the skill set to match what they wanted. He too believed those 5 boys would do Singapore proud at the Regional Finals.
Eventually, only 4 players will be chosen in Jakarta to attend the Global Finals in Barcelona. Here, we wish them all the best of luck and from now till the departure for the Regional Finals, the 5 representatives from Singapore will experience personal mentoring from head coach, Sundramoorthy and Nike athlete, Hariss Harun and undergo an intense and high-level fitness training programme!
For more information on The Chance, visit
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