Mr. “What-Always-Me”, was on the news for the wrong reason again.
So after throwing a dart at a youth player, burning his house with some firecrackers, driving into a women’s prison, this time round which was not the first time (too), he was spotted clubbing in the wee hour at a strip club on the eve of a premiership game. Worst still, the strip club, which he was reported to be, was in Liverpool instead of Manchester!
What’s going on in the mind of this Man City star, Balotelli? Was he aware that he was going against the team’s curfew or he simply just didn’t bother?
A couple of months back, Lions XII’s midfielder, Firdaus Kasman, was fined S$10,000 and banned from all games by FAS (Football Association of Singapore). He was reported clubbing away in the wee hours, had a brush with the law where he went missing in action for the training next day. Although the ban was eventually lifted to give him a second chance, this severe punishment served as a wake-up call to all Singapore’s futbol players.
Even when I was just a 16yrs old player playing in the nation-wide youth league, my coach would call and do spot-check to see if we were already in bed on the eve of the game day. Of course at Balotelli’s level, Mancini wouldn’t do that (I supposed). I reckoned Mancini would be treating him and the rest of the players as matured adult who should be displaying professionalism at all times. Yet, the arrogant Italian was never a good example, let alone role model.
Regardless of how good you are, a professional player’s professionalism on and off the pitch should not be compromised. So for those who are plying their trades in any futbol leagues in the world, identify yourself with true professionalism, show your class and answer to your own performance!
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