I was one of those seriously “hit” by Linsanity recently. Well, let me relate that to our most beloved game, futbol.
Recently, one of my best futbol friends, posted a video from Muscleprodigy, with a title of “ Jeremy Lin – Underdog or Just Prepared”. Instantly, I felt so motivated. Jeremy was no stranger to everybody these days. He even flirted with the top searches on the web especially at Baidu and also various social media sites! So was he an Underdog or Just Prepared? My answer is both. He was pretty much an Underdog but he was Prepared and he seized the opportunity given to him. He scored, assisted and made a name on the court. Announcing his arrival with his savvy and skilled performance rather than his skin-color tone.
Relate that to futbol. With my involvement in the Mediacorp’s first futbol reality show, First XI, there were many good futbol players who were skillful and intelligent. However, I noticed many did not seize the opportunities given to them during the trial. They were either nervous, ill-prepared or lack of self-confidence. This was an entirely different story which I had started off writing here in the first few paragraphs. If you have watched the “Jeremy Lin – Underdog or Just Prepared” video by Muscleprodigy, you would have noticed Jeremy putting the balls into the net non-stop, practicing his dribbling with both hands (with 2 balls), doing squats with weights in the gym and having a vege-full meals as his daily diet. All these were not done for the sake of filming – its how he prepared himself for the opportunity.
What Jeremy Lin has done was not only for basketball player, it’s a good example for futbol players too. You have try putting balls into the goal from all angles, practicing your dribbling around the dummies, doing weight trainings in the gym and maintain a healthy diet everyday! And so if an opportunity comes, like First XI, you will be able to seize the opportunity, show what you have in your locker and impress the judges and spectators. So don’t wait, start preparing now! For those who wants to watch the video, we have posted it on Junpiter Futbol’s facebook page (Click here)!
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