Street Kings, Edward Van Gils & Issy Hitman, together with Khalid Hamdaoui, hit the town recently! All thanks to The Cage and Manchester Utd Soccer School (MUSS) for allowing the trio to present a brand-new style of futbol to Singapore! So what are guys up to? JPF TALK presents the street futbol legends to you!
JPF: You have been to so many countries for performances and games, which country is your favorite?
Edward: No specific country actually. Every country has it own unique memory and I love every country which I have been to.
Issy: (Hopefully my girlfriend won’t read this) It has to be Brazil! The girls are hot!
Khalid: It has to be United States of America. Once we did a nation-wide tour in US that lasted for months. During that period of time, all of us enjoyed ourselves a lot! Kind of like a great bonding session for us.
JPF: This is your first time to Singapore, what do you think of Singapore?
Edward: There are many other countries which don’t accept me (pointing to his own tattoos on his body), but you know what, Singapore is the first country which does not do any check on me while I’m at the immigration! Some of the countries I went to, checked on me not once but twice! I love Singapore for accepting who I am! (haha..)
Issy: Other than the rain these days, Singapore is a wonderful place to be at!
Khalid: Very good! There are many different races here and I find it very interesting. I had taken a walk at Orchard Road too! Except these days have been raining a lot.
JPF: What do you know about Singapore’s futbol?
Edward: Not really. I didn’t know that Singapore has got so many people who can perform akka that well, not until today! For that I am impressed!
Issy: No, I have a lot of Malaysian friends on my facebook but not really Singaporean and I don’t really know much about Singapore’s futbol.
Khalid: Well, as I used to play in the J-League, I know about Singapore but not exactly much to be honest. The only person whom I know is Aide Iskandar as he is with MUSS (Manchester Utd Soccer School).
JPF: Panna or Akka?
Edward: I’m more of an Akka person!
Issy: Akka-panna! Both!
Khalid: Both Panna & Akka! It has to be a combined effort!
JPF: Who is your favorite player whom you look up to?
Edward: Messi.
Issy: Edward & Khalid!
(JPF: Erm… other than these 2 buddies of yours??)
Issy: Messi! I have done a Nike commercial with Messi in year 2005 before too!
Khalid: Zidane… Messi.
(JPF: Since you have played for Tokyo Verdy 1969 FC in J-League before, who’s your favorite Japanese player?)
Khalid: Shunsuke Nakamura! Played with him in the Scottish League when I’m with Dundee FC and I’m surprised to find out that both of us are alike – we stop the ball with our sole! Only futsal-trained player does that!
JPF: If you are not a futbol player today, what do you think you will be?
Edward: (paused for quite awhile..) Honestly, I do not know what I will be if I am not a futbol player today. Cause all I wanted to do is to play futbol.
Issy: I am a lazy guy, I have never thought of this question before but shouldn’t be away from futbol I guess.
Khalid: I might be a futbol coach. I don’t see myself getting away from the game which I love so much.
JPF: Any advice for Junpiter Futbol reader who inspired to be a professional futbol player just like you?
Edward: Keep practicing! Don’t give up your dream!
Issy: Follow your dream, keep practicing! Look at me, I am from Amsterdam and now I am half the globe away here in Singapore doing clinics!
Khalid: Imagine you are doing a job which you love so much, how wonderful is that! Keep training!
JPF: Share with us a secret of yours where nobody knows.
Edward: I wear glasses and I love Muay Thai boxing (Khalid & Issy rushing over asked him to lift up his top showing us his Muay Thai boxer tattoo near his rib cage which he proudly showed it off)!
Issy: Edward gave me my first ever nutmeg (Panna)!
Khalid: I am a honest and truthful person, I have got no secret!
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