Ball is round, so is luck.
Singapore lions brought faith back to all lions supporters once again – last evening, Singapore national futbol team displayed a game of courage and never-say-die attitude till the final whistle was blown at Kunming, China. Singapore lost 1-2 to the host.
Headlines on all local newspaper showed this self-explanatory word “Robbed”. Poor decisions from the Lebanese referee may have costed Singapore the game last evening but credit shouldn’t be taken away from the chinese team. Singapore brought the game to the chinese but overall the chinese showed more attacking flair at their home soil, at least that was how I feel.
While everyone was cursing the referee during the game, I am totally behaving the opposite! The referee definitely didn’t make some good decisions last night but what I have witnessed last night was the transition of lady’s luck moving from one side to another using an amazing game, futbol.
China had the most ball possession throughout the game but Singapore was the side first to score on the 33rd minute. And while Singapore was defending the narrow lead, the chinese found their attempts hitting everywhere on the upright and crossbar but not the net. At that moment, I was still thinking luck was on our side and no way the chinese was going to win this game. Luck was with us till the 53rd minute, our young custodian injured his left ankle through a freak accident in which his left foot landed on the base support of the goal-pole after a save attempt. From then on, everything started to change.
It seems like the lady’s luck had decided to ditch the lions, slowly moving over to the chinese dragons. Singapore’s former number-1 GK, Lionel, came in replacing the injured Izwan. He started well by saving a spot-kick in which we all thought the same old story of Singapore dreaming of matching the Asian powerhouse, would be retold again. Whichafter followed by a series of wrong calls from the referee. Eventually Singapore lions lost.
In this game, skill was one thing but nobody would disagree that luck was another important aspect. Honestly if you ask me, Singapore’s play was not up on par with China but for the first hour, Singapore survived with not just courage but some luck as well. Just when you thought there was a possibility for creating an upset at Kunming, the game was flipped upside down and China took over the control of the game. It was a sudden twist of luck and no matter how much you complained, result won’t change.
Well, sometimes this simple futbol game is not that simple after all. There are lots of people who are merely just futbol follower and not player. These are the people who enjoy the excitement generated from the watching of the unpredictable game, futbol. For me, i love both ways as in as a futbol follower as well as a player. Ball is round, you will never know. Good luck for the subsequent games, Singapore.
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